Entries by Margolis Law

Health Clubs: A Minefield of Potential Injuries

HEALTH CLUBS: A MINEFIELD OF POTENTIAL INJURIES Health club owners and managers must understand that they need to be highly tuned in to all aspects of the club’s operation because there are so many potential legal issues involved. Having previously worked in the healthcare field for 13 years, I saw many incidents occur that could […]

Health Club Owners: Know Who You Are Hiring!

Health Club Owners: Know Who You Are Hiring! Health clubs, fitness centers, and even smaller gyms usually include both employees (those who are paid by, and under the direction and control of their employer), and independent contractors (those who are usually paid on a non-salary, set compensation basis, and not under the direction of an […]

Gym Injuries May Be Actionable Legal Cases

There are 30,500 gyms and health clubs currently doing business in the United States. Approximately 58,000,000 health club members engage in some form of exercise within those U.S. gyms and health clubs annually. Most gyms provide free weights, exercise machines, various aerobic equipment such as treadmills, elliptical machines, and stationary bikes, as well as locker […]